Pasatiempo Tu/Th/Sa/Su Tee Times

This page shows the current status of the next eight Tue/Thu/Sat/Sun tee times for the “Pasa TFSS” group. Policy info below.

You must LOGIN to change your playing status (signup or cancel).

Dec 5th
DPM: Fraser
Dec 7th
DPM: Margerum
Dec 8th
DPM: Casey
Dec 10th
DPM: Viau
Dec 12th
DPM: Fraser
Dec 14th
DPM: Margerum
Dec 15th
DPM: Casey
Dec 17th
DPM: Viau
Past Cutoff

Course, Closed, Exhibition
Past Cutoff

830, 900, 910, 3 times, 12 MAX, HOYT DPM
Past Cutoff

900, 910, 1030, 3 times, 12 MAX
Past Cutoff

810, 940, 1000, 1010, 1210, 20 MAX
Past Cutoff

830, 840, 1010, 1140, 4 times, 16 MAX
Past Cutoff

900, 910, 1230, 3 times, 12 MAX


Players (0):
Players (12):
1 Hoyt, S.
2 Pereyra, D.
3 Cayton, B.
4 Pearce, R.
5 Larson, J.
6 Farabaugh, R.
7 Sorensen, K.
8 Viau, C.
9 Yu, K.
10 Keith, J.
11 Capurro, F.
12 Dembski, T.
Players (10):
1 Arnold, M.
2 Cayton, B.
3 Rosales, F.
4 Viau, C.
5 Moser, R.
6 Babcock, B.
7 Yu, K.
8 Capurro, F.
9 Staley, B.
10 Grewall, S.
Players (19):
1 Staley, B.
2 Smith, K.
3 Arnold, M.
4 Rosales, F.
5 Pereyra, D.
6 Tapella, F.
7 Cayton, B.
8 Grohe, K.
9 Pearce, R.
10 Millslagle, T.
11 Millslagle, T. (Guest)
12 Viau, C.
13 Fletcher, M.
14 Grewall, S.
15 Capurro, F.
16 Babcock, B.
17 Fraser, J.
18 Moser, R.
19 Larson, J.
Players (15):
1 Keith, J.
2 Pearce, R.
3 Cayton, B.
4 Yago, G.
5 Grohe, K.
6 Arnold, M.
7 Pereyra, D.
8 Farabaugh, R.
9 Fraser, J.
10 Smith, K.
11 Grewall, S.
12 Casey, M.
13 Larson, J.
14 Staley, B.
15 Viau, C.

Wait List (1):
1 Dembski, T.
Players (8):
1 Rice, S.
2 Cayton, B.
3 Pereyra, D.
4 Grewall, S.
5 Pearce, R.
6 Larson, J.
7 Fraser, J.
8 Yu, K.
Players (7):
1 Pereyra, D.
2 Cayton, B.
3 Staley, B.
4 Arnold, M.
5 Ryan, M.
6 Viau, C.
7 Yu, K.
Players (9):
1 Yago, G.
2 Staley, B.
3 Cayton, B.
4 Smith, K.
5 Rosales, F.
6 Viau, C.
7 Pearce, R.
8 Grohe, K.
9 Grewall, S.

Current Weather

Pasatiempo Weather Station () |  Santa Cruz Weather & Forecast (Yahoo!) () |  Local Radar from Accuweather ()

Rules, Policy, and Pace of Play Information

Cancel Me... & Cancel Late...
If you need to cancel you must do so BEFORE NOON THE DAY BEFORE PLAY.
If an emergency arises and you have to late cancel (after noon the day before play) you must txt the DPM ASAP.

TFSS RulesClick here to view the TFSS Rules.

TFSS Policy InformationClick here to view the Policy Information.

TFSS Pace of Play GuidelinesClick here to view the Pace of Play Guidelines.

Cutoff Dates – You must sign up 9 days in advance of any play date.

Wait List – Missed the signup deadline but still want to play? Use the "Late Signup..." link to add your name to the Wait List to let everyone know you still plan to show up and want to play. Please note that if you do not add your name to the Wait List and you show up to play you will have last priority for inclusion in both tee times AND "games" being contested.

PasaTFSS Phone Hotline – Call or text (SMS) 831-216-8693 for info, late signup, and cancel.

Guests – You can only have a guest if you are playing on that date. You can’t sign up a guest after the cutoff date.

Fines PolicyPlease review the Policy Information for details about the fines policies.

Questions – For questions regarding this web site, contact Rob Babcock.

Tees/Two-man Game

Tuesday – White tees; best ball (2-man)
Thursday – Combo tees; best ball (2-man)
Saturday – White, Gold, or Combo tees (player's choice)*; best ball (2-man)
Sunday – Combo tees; best ball (2-man)

* Explanation of Saturday “Player’s Choice” Tees:

Pairing restriction: None. All partner draws, whether for 2-, 3-, or 4-man teams, will be done at random, with no exceptions.

Gold tees (#6 played from wherever the blocks are located)


Buy-in is $35: $5/$5/$5 (two-man front/back/18), $15 (big team), $5 (individual low net)

Pay-out (ties)

When a tie occurs in any group game (two-man, 2 out of 3, 3 out of 4) the tying teams will divide the money for that game. (Reasoning for not having a "playoff": The 9th and 18th holes should not count for more than any other.)

Email Reminders

Email messages are automatically sent at approximately 5pm the day before to players who have signed up to play. The final roster (including cancellations) is sent to all signed-up players early on the day of play.

Results and Stats

Results Folder on Google Drive

Stats Archive Folder on Dropbox